Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Dawn of a New Era

It is very interesting that we have to get knocked on our butts before we realize that we can do nothing nor be nothing without the help of a Higher Power (whom I choose to call God). I have been on an journey transitioning from a mountain top to a valley where so much that I held near and dear was taken from my grasp. Whenever you have an individual that has always lived a privileged life, you assume that money can get you out of any situation; this theory is true to an extent however there are times when your money is no good. That is the lesson that I needed to learn before my bank account grew to a larger level.

During this time, one of Lauryn Hill's song, "Do-Whoop/ That Thing" spoke to me on so many different levels. At the end of the song she repeats, "How you gonna win when you not right within?" This question stung me, made me numb, then snapped me back into life. Everything suddenly made sense and the cause, catalyst and reason behind this downfall all boiled down to one thing: conquering the inner- me.

Take this time to evaluate your life and ask, "What am I doing in the dark that could cause me to stumble in the light?" Whatever it is, it's a cycle that you must break, then make a new cycle that will carry you through this valley experience. Remember joy is given, and once it's given, it can never be taken, you can however relinquish it; so hold tight to your joy, your smile, your peace, the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

4 Simple (but Surprising) Ways Men Express Their Love


"I can sleep with her, marry her, take care of her, but love -- that's something else," said Tony, a married man in his late 40s. "Guys don't like to talk about love. They don't know what to say. Of course guys feel love. But they express it differently."

Why don't most men just come out and tell us the way they feel? In my years spent as a therapist, I've learned that love can make men feel vulnerable, childlike and unable to do what's expected of them, especially those who believe they're functioning in a dog-eat-dog world. Still men do love, and different types of men express their love differently. In fact, love means different things to a man, at different times in his life. This means that a woman needs to be alert to who her man is and what love means to him. If you're frustrated with waiting to hear those three magic words, take a look at what your man may already be saying -- in other ways:


1. Simply saying "I Love You"

Actually, saying these three words is a huge step for some men. That's because it means a lot more than simply expressing a feeling. For some it feels like a life commitment, for others it is fraught with danger.

"When I say I love you," said Steve, "I feel like I'm taking my life in my hands and giving it to her. It's scary. I've got to really trust her and know she won't throw my love away in order to actually say the words to her." In this case, the fear of rejection comes up strongly. Rejection is enormously painful for most men, and saying "I love you" can be an invitation to be hurt. Most men must feel very secure in the relationship and in the woman's feelings for him before he'll dare say those words.


For others, saying "I love you" means, "I'm offering a commitment. I'm going to be here to do things for you." For many men, love is expressed through action, so these words are a promise of what is to follow. Simply by saying these words they feel they are agreeing to be there, to give to her and support her. If they don't do it, they'll feel like a heel.


When some men say "I love you," it means "I'm not leaving" or "I'll always be faithful." This can be very scary for some men. They feel the words themselves are a promise, and if the promise is broken, they will suffer as well. Men don't want to break their promises to you. Most want to be able to follow through and give you what they want. In the end, they just want you to feel good about them -- and to feel good about themselves as well.


2. Offering Tokens of Affection

There are many different kinds of gifts a man can give. The obvious ones include those wrapped in packages, candy, flowers and special notes. But there are others that a woman may or may not be aware of. For example, for some men, giving their time to you is a gift. When they spend more time with you, and less with family and friends, this is their way of saying that they love you. They are choosing to be with you.

Some other men choose other gifts. Whether your partner stands up for you during a difficult time, goes with you to visit your family, does little jobs for you, attends important functions with you, puts you first in his thoughts or plans trips, dates or outings, the message is the same. He loves you. If this sounds like your man, keep in mind he, like many men, may not be comfortable with expressing his feelings directly, so these behaviors are indicators that he cares a great deal. The trick to understanding a guy like this lies in realizing two things: These actions are being generated out of love, and he expects you to know that.


3. PDA -- Physical Displays of Affection

Affection can mean anything from handholding to lovemaking. In fact, some men can most easily express their feelings during lovemaking. That's because after being intimate they feel as though they've loved you, and often feel loved as well. The physical contact breaks down barriers and provides a feeling of closeness that cannot be so easily be obtained in another manner for them.

This can be a complex area, because sex can mean so many different things to different individuals. Most women need affection and foreplay as well as the sex because this is what makes them feel loved. Some women even require hearing words of love spoken during this time as well. So when a man is open, giving and affectionate with a woman on an ongoing basis, it is often his way of expressing love. For him, love means meeting her needs and having his needs met as well.


Still other men use sexuality to avoid or cover up areas in the relationship that might be difficult. They feel that if the sex is good, everything else will fall into place. Usually, when the sex is reluctant, or not happening, it is an indicator that something is missing emotionally, or that conflict exists in the relationship. Sex is a sensitive barometer to what's going on in all aspects of one's life.


4. Introducing You to His Family

Another way of saying "I love you" is taking you home to meet the family and close, meaningful friends. This is often an indicator that the man has deeper feelings for you. Not only does it say that that he's proud of you, but he wants to connect you with the people who mean the most to him. He wants you to care about them, and for them to care about you as well. This is a sure sign that intimacy and love are increasing for him, and that you are becoming a significant part of his life. Some women complain a great deal about not having met the family and being kept separate and apart. When this goes on for too long in a relationship, it can be a sign that the depth of his feelings for you, and his involvement, are lacking.

Some men compartmentalize relationships. They have someone for dating, someone for sex, someone else for the kind of love that leads to marriage. By being aware of the people in his life that he introduces you to and includes you with, you can get a good idea of how he operates in this area. Does he want you in all parts of his life, or is this a limited relationship? Love, in the deepest sense, includes sharing all parts of ourselves with another.


It is helpful to keep a little journal of your relationship. So many acts and expressions of love go unnoticed and unfelt, because we simply get used to them or become too busy to stop and take note -- or to stop and say thank-you. Take a few minutes each evening to note what you received that day, and also what you gave. Write it down. Be specific. List everything, like phone calls, kind words, a surprise visit, etc. You'll be amazed when you look back and realize all the ways your partner is giving to you. Plus, it'll help you find new ways to give back to him.




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The price of freedom is not free; in fact the opportunity to attain freedom is a large price to pay. You 1st have to ask yourself if you have the soul of a slave, or the spirit of a free man. I discovered at an early age that I am extraordinary, exceptional, and especially special due to my God-given purpose which propels me onto a path of being advanced beyond my years and in a class all by lonesome. The road to Diamond is crucial and I BELIEVE worthwhile, however it envelops many challenges that strengthen me along the way.

The Freedom of Love

True love requires vulnerability, respect, trust, consistency, and a slew of other adjectives that become verbs which forces you to grow through challenges. Love is something that you must keep near your heart without holding it captive. When you're in love, give love, and receive love freely, you feel that all is right in the world and you can do all things; therefore, place your love in a higher power that gives you full security to love freely with a safety net that will keep you from stumbling.


The Freedom of Friendship

True friends are not that hard to find when you focus on being the best friend you can be. Like love, friendship requires work, re-assessments, adjustments, and laughter along the way. The little milestones and memories turn into bigger milestones and memories as you journey together because friends always seem to know when you need them the most. They are the cushion that allows you to keep on pushing.


The Freedom of Success

Too often in life we feel we deserve success without putting in the work to earn it; it's like demanding a fire 1st then adding the wood, unfortunately life does not operate that way. Success simply gives you a platform to reach and bless more people because success leaves clues. The higher you rank in life, the more responsibility rest on your shoulders. Celebrate the small successes of life each day. By staying success focused attracts success which allows you to continually define what is most important in your life.


The Freedom of Faith

Total praise and adoration has to go to God. I know I used higher power earlier to generalize this piece for everyone; from here on out I will only converse about my Lord and Savior Jesus the Risen Christ. By having your life guided by God and surrendering your will to take up His, allows you to operate in a level of freedom that provides peace even in the midst of challenges because you know that your entire life is ordained and ordered by Christ.


The Freedom of Health

Top notch physical fitness ensures a quality of life like none other. What's the purpose of love, friendship, success, and faith if you do not have stamina nor capacity to enjoy it. Make it a daily goal to feel good and better the next day. Stay positive, love yourself, take care of your mental and emotional state, and most of all cater to yourself. Treat yourself to wholesome foods, adequate breathing exercises, and "me time." Make a decision to take care of yourself in every aspect.


The Freedom of Finances

To have money as your slave is a beautiful thing. Money is only paper that represents a particular value allowing you to attain certain privileges in life. Tithe, pay yourself, save, invest, spend.


The Freedom of Time

The majority of Americans complain of having a lack of time or finances to live their life the way they wanted.


There will be more to come on the last two topics in due time. Sprinkle your life with awesomeness, it will make it a lot better! – Lady_ Fee